A college career centre manager simplifies job search innovations

Here I'll reflect on the latest ways you may market yourself as a job seeker. Some of it will be innovative. Some may seem complicated. Always, though, I'll focus on ways to keep it simple. Finding a job is a job, but there is more to life -- and what you bring to the world of work -- than your resume.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Prove it!

Today on BNet's Newsletter for business owners, Jeff Haden shares the "10 words that never should appear on your website". His point is that the following words are over-used by businesses in their advertising. The fact is that they are overused by job seekers, too.

Service provider
Proven track record
Unique blend of…
Collaborative approach
Outstanding customer experiences
Myriad solutions (problem solver)
Results oriented

The advice that businesses should heed regarding advertising is the same advice that work seekers should consider for their self-marketing. Haden says, "Adjectives are great but only if specific, descriptive, and directly applicable to what you do." If you have delivered results, give an example that is relevant to the work you seek. If you have done your work in an unusual way to get those results, tell the employer about your innovative approach.

Keeping it Simple for Seekers:
Provide some details and prove that you have the skills employers are looking for and avoid popular catch phrases that everyone is using.

So how do you go about coming up with proof? You need stories.

1. Go ahead and compile a list of your relevant skills and accomplishments.

2. For each one, prepare a story from your recent past that illustrates you demonstrating the skill. A terrific way to do this is using the STAR method. Talk about the situation (the five Ws), task (challenge or opportunity), actions (yours and those around you) and results (short and long term benefits to the organization and your clients and what you learned or have done in similar situations since then).

S - Situation
T - Task
A - Actions
R - Results

3. Select the best story to use in your cover letter; this may differ for each employer, based on their needs. Other examples could be used in your resume.

4. Be prepared to use these story examples during an interview. Employers who know the most effective way to interview candidates are asking for stories like these using Behaviour Descriptive (or Behavioural) Interview techniques. Your ability to prove your skills will set you apart from the competition, so if the employer doesn't ask for examples, ask to give them. Do you have physical evidence? Offer to show it off in a portfolio, too.

Lethbridge College students and alumni may find more information about resumes, cover letters, interviews and portfolios in the Resource Library section of The Works Online. Visit us for personal assistance, too.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Capture Your Thoughts With a Mindsweep

Do you become distracted from good work-- or your job search -- by random or off-subject thoughts? Are you a worrier? Back in November I had the opportunity to participate in an executive productivity workshop by Don Win. He shared a strategy that has really helped me, the big picture person that I am, stay on-task and to do the right things at the right time. Don calls it the “Mind Sweep”. If you are thinking about something, if it is distracting you, then that thing is not in its place, he says. Here’s how we should manage random thoughts throughout our day:
  • Write them down
  • Do not concern yourself with separating thoughts about personal and business life; they are never totally separate
  • The tools you’ll need: pen, paper, notepad, file folders
  • One idea goes on each sheet of paper, date it, put in your inbox
  • OVER capture ideas; make this a lifestyle function and part of who you are
  • If you are interrupted by someone as you work, capture your thought about what you are working on with a note for your inbox, then you may make the person who has come to you the new priority
  • People come before things, always
  • From the list you may decide what NOT to do - Clarify:
  1. Is it actionable?
  2. What will be the outcome? What will it look like if I am successful?
  3. If it is not actionable is it trash? Should it be incubated? Should I review it later?
  • Do a daily review of the inbox
  • Do a weekly review of the incubator file and use the three clarifying questions
Using the mindsweep can help you feel less overwhelmed during busy times by keeping your thoughts organized. Give it a try.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday Blahs and Blogs

A couple of the blogs I follow have great holiday tips. I thought I’d share:

50 ways to simplify gift giving

How spiritually mature people spend the holidays

20 tips to make the holidays rock

How to be mindful during the holidays

Seven holiday tips from Dr. Oz


What 25 holiday classics teach us about life

E-card Scam Alert - a blogger pointed me to this

None of the career or job search blogs have anything Christmas-y, though. How odd. Oh! Wait! Found one! ONE!

Letting go of holiday stress

Enjoy the holidays. May you find some cheer, rest and relaxation.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Job Seekers Need Local Media

A good job search depends on local media. In these days of satellite tv, satellite radio and the Internet, many people surf to be entertained and believe that if news is important it will find them. Sure, we now know all we need to and more about Tiger Woods' career bungles and love life, however subtle changes in the local labour market on which a good job search depends will probably never hit national tv stations or the world wide web. You need to know what's going on in the community where you seek work. What new businesses are coming to town and which ones are expanding? What projects are going on? Are there clues in the news to who may be hiring in the future? Is there an association or event that you should be part of for the sake of networking? Perhaps there is an opportunity for you to volunteer and gain more experiences and contacts. Maybe there is an unmet need that you could take care of with a small business or contract. Maybe there is a person in the news that you'd like to approach for mentorship. Don't abandon your local tv, radio and newspapers. Great jobs are rarely big news.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School Means Back to the Job Search

Did you see me on Global News last week?
http://www.globallethbridge.com/video/index.html?releasePID=NGXtefw6p6_Zc1I5UiiDOZ7vXOVPX6c5 - "Top News Sept 4.09", best viewed with Firefox.

Yes, there are jobs available for students now. Despite an increasing number of unemployed people in Southern Alberta and the highest student unemployment rate since 1977, The Works--Job & Career Services at Lethbridge College has NOT seen a dip in part-time job postings for students during back-to-school time in the last three years.


My advice to students is this:

1 -- Create a budget and stick to it. Check out resources at

Money Mentors


Geezeo , Mint, and Wesabe

2 -- If you need to work while going to school, start your search now.

Visit your career centre on campus for free assistance with your work search and exclusive access to job postings. At Lethbridge College we've seen a dramatic drop in available part time jobs starting in October, so don't delay.

For more information on student employment rates from Statistics Canada, have a look at Academica's News


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Flat is the New Raise

During a recession, some might say we are lucky to have a job and shouldn't push the envelope by asking for more pay. Check out these articles on the topic of salary negotiations.

Top 10 Tips for Salary Negotiation

How Do I Ask for a Raise in a Recession?

I Was Fired for Quibbling Over My Raise

KISS (Keeping It Simple for Seekers)

If you are worth more than you are currently paid or being offered, then prove it. Look and act the part consistantly, whether you are a work seeker or aiming for a raise or promotion.

Collect evidence of your best work for your portfolio and have references who can backup your claims to fame. Be prepared to support your case.

Know what you are worth. Research the normal salary range for this type of position.

Practice your negotiations with a friend, co-worker, coach or career centre staff.

Don't feel you need to accept a new job or a negotiated raise on-the-spot. Ask for time to think about what has been offered.

If the salary isn't flexible, perhaps another benefit or perk is.

Might the boss be open to negotiating your pay in the not-too-distant future when times are better?

Thank the manager for any effort they've made to get you more money or benefits even if all they did was take the time to discuss it with you.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Evangelism and Premature Obituaries

I am way behind on reading some of the blogs I follow. Just last night I saw the title "How to Change the World" on my subscription feed and felt both overwhelmed by it -- I really don't want to change the world, do I? No, not today. Maybe tomorrow. -- and at the same time I thought that it couldn't be at all relevant to the work I have been doing over the last several months. How could I forget that "How to Change the World" and its author, Guy Kawasaki, is the source for information and opinions on evangelism, sales and marketing? Guy rocks. He can teach anyone how to build support for their product, service or themselves.

I was first introduced to Guy and his work back in -- yes, I'm going to age both him and myself by writing this -- 1991 when he was the keynote speaker at the National Association of Career Educators and Employers conference in San Francisco. Guy Kawasaki was one of the original Apple employees and credited with bringing the concept of evangelism to the high-tech business, focusing on creating passionate user-advocates for the Apple brand. His blog is one of the most popular in the world. I haven't forgotten his speech. Guy is MUCH older than I am, by the way. I was only 22 when I went to that conference. Do the math.

Anyhow, I'm getting caught up now on how to save the world -- after reading a few inspiring posts, I might just take on the challenge -- and today I'll direct you to a post not by Guy, but by one of his guest writers, Glenn Kelman, CEO of Redfin (an online real estate brokerage firm) that went up back in February. (Hey, I told you I was behind.)

Glenn writes

"Resumes are horrible documents, premature and unsentimental obituaries: our lives are rarely reduced to such a small number of facts. And writing a resume is a balancing act between feeling outrageously boastful and unimpressive."

Do you feel like you are writing your own obituary when you work on your resume? Interesting thought.

Read the rest of Glenn Kelman has to say about
"What Employers Want to See on Your Resume"

KISS (Keeping it Simple for Seekers)

Some of the categories on Guy's blog include:
* Apple
* Blogging
* Books
* Bootstrapping -- to start a business without external help/capital
* Competition
* Cool stuff -- he likes fast, expensive cars
* Customer Service
* Entre/intra-preneurship
* Facebook
* Innovation
* Lies -- his top ten lists
* Management
* Pitching, Presenting, and Speaking
* Recruiting -- what employers do to hire people like you, what they like and don't like
* Ten Questions -- interviews with other experts
* Venture Capital
* Web/Tech

Don't just market yourself, evangelize yourself! Check it out. I won't be ignoring Guy's blog anymore.
How to Change the World
